Reviewing Results

The items that pass the filter criteria are listed in the results table, one at a time.  You can select various preferences to show the charts for each item in TScan+ and/or TeleChart while you are running the scan or reviewing the results.  A description of the specific results that each scan type can produce is given in the help section for each scan type.


Popup Menu  Right-clicking the results table will bring up the context menu shown below.  This allows easy access to the operations described below.  When you right-click on the title bar an abbreviated version of this menu will appear.



Sorting Results  When the scan is complete, the results will be sorted from A to Z by item name.  You can sort the results by any other column by left-clicking on that column heading.  Repeated clicking of the column heading will reverse the sort order for that column.  Alternatively, you can hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the title bar of the results list.  This will open a form allowing you to sort by two columns at the time. 



Highlighting Results  Rows in the results table can be highlighted in yellow by right-clicking them, or by pressing the F or Y keys.  Repeating your action will remove the highlight.  You can also highlight in Red, Green and Blue, by pressing the R, G and B keys respectively. Right-Clicking anywhere on the column headings will move all the highlighted items to the top of the table.  Once your items are highlighted you can choose to save only them when saving your results.


Copying Results  You can copy all or a portion of the results to the Windows Clipboard by clicking on a cell with the left mouse button and dragging across to the last cell in your selection.  Then while holding down the CTRL key, press C on your keyboard.


Finding Items  Pressing the J key will bring up a box allowing you to enter the name of the item you are interested in.  If found, the item's row will be scrolled to the top of the list.

bullet Opening Charts  You can review the items in your results on a chart for that item, and also by opening the item up in TeleChart.  You can choose to use one or both of these methods in the Preferences menu.  Once the preferences are set, the charts can be opened by double-clicking on a row with the left mouse button or by pressing the Enter key when you are on any particular row.  You can also step through the list of items using the SPACE (forward) and BACKSPACE (backwards) keys.  Pressing the T key will open the stock in TeleChart, whether or not you have the open in TeleChart preference set.  Pressing Ctrl-T will open the item in TeleChart with the program items copied into it.


Printing Results  Pressing the Print button on the bottom of the main form or selecting Print Scan Results from the File menu will open the form shown below, which will allow you to print some or all of your scan results.  The items in the Data to Print section are equivalent to the items shown on the Preferences form.  The Items to Print section allows you to select which highlighted or un-highlighted results you want to print. 


Saving Results  Pressing the Save button on the bottom of the main form or selecting Save Scan Results from the File menu will open the form shown below, which will allow you to save the information in the results table to a file.  You can choose whether to save all your results or only highlighted ones.  You also have two file format options for saving:

  1. Names only:  Saving only the item's names is useful for allowing you to import the results of your scan into other programs.  

  2. Names and Results:  Saving the results and filter values is useful for reviewing all the data later. The file format is a comma separated text file, which is a standard format easily opened in Microsoft Excel.


Saving Multiple Chart Pictures  Selecting Save Chart Pictures from the results list popup menu will bring up a form allowing you to save chart pictures for multiple items in the results list.  You can access the same command from the Chart's File > Save Chart Pictures for Results List menu or the File > Save Chart Pictures menu on the main form. 

The layout of the form is similar to those above, in that you can choose whether to save pictures for all your results or only highlighted ones.  There also are options to provide a naming template for the files, the directory where to save them and the file type.  Hovering the mouse over the Naming box on the form will bring up popup help on the naming format, as shown below.  As an example, if MSFT is in your results list and you use the naming template 'DATE1 SYMBOL' (the default) as shown in the above, the file will be called '09-08-08 MSFT.png'.  Note that you can add any extra text you like anywhere in the template.  For example changing the naming template to 'Test Scan DATE1 (SYMBOL - NAME)' will create a file called 'Test Scan 09-08-08 (MSFT - Microsoft Corp).png'